[gate-users] geant4.7.0p01 "configure" problem

liu james jjliu6 at gmail.com
Wed May 10 08:57:23 CEST 2006

The version of Gate list below:
Gate v2.2.0
ROOT v4.04.02g
with Fedora Core 3

When I configure -build the package of geant4, there is a infinite loop.
The error like this:

Now starting Geant4 libraries build...

On this machine the G4SYSTEM=Linux-g++
On this machine the G4INSTALL=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01
On this machine the G4TMP=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/tmp
On this machine the G4LIB=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/lib
On this machine the
On this machine the
On this machine the G4LEDATA=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/data/G4EMLOW2.3
On this machine the
On this machine the G4ELASTICDATA=/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/data/Elastic
On this machine the CLHEP_BASE_DIR=/usr/local
On this machine the CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include
On this machine the CLHEP_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lib
On this machine the CLHEP_LIB=CLHEP
On this machine the G4UI_BUILD_XAW_SESSION=1
On this machine the G4UI_USE_XAW=1
On this machine the G4UI_BUILD_XM_SESSION=1
On this machine the G4UI_USE_XM=1
On this machine the G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLX_DRIVER=1
On this machine the G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLXM_DRIVER=1
On this machine the G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1
On this machine the G4VIS_USE_OPENGLXM=1
On this machine the G4LIB_BUILD_STATIC=1
On this machine the G4LIB_USE_GRANULAR=1
gmake: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/common.gmk' has
modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
gmake: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.

Starting build...

gmake: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/sys/Linux-g++.gmk'
has modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
gmake[1]: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/sys/Linux-g++.gmk'
has modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
gmake[2]: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/common.gmk' has
modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
Making dependency for file src/G4VStateDependent.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4VExceptionHandler.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4UnitsTable.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4Timer.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4StateManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsVector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsTable.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsLogVector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsLnVector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsLinearVector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4PhysicsFreeVector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4OrderedTable.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4LPhysicsFreeVector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4ios.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4Exception.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4DataVector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/G4AllocatorPool.cc ...
gmake[2]: Warning: File `/usr/local/geant4.7.0.p01/config/common.gmk' has
modification time 1.3e+08 s in the future
The same content displayed on the screen repeatly.
I list my commands here and please help me to check the steps:
1. install CLHEP in /usr/local
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
2. install geant4.7.0p01in /usr/local/geant4.7.0p01
   ./Configure -build
the error appears here!

thanks for your help


Chih-Chieh Liu
jjliu6 at gmail.com
Nation Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
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