[Gate-users] Problem on benchmarkPET

Sebastien JAN jan at shfj.cea.fr
Fri Jun 30 10:47:01 CEST 2006


Did you set correctly the G4version variable ?

About the following warning messages,
they don't impact the right functionality of GATE


Tae Hyong Kim wrote:
> Hi.
> I have tried to run benchmarkPET and I found some error and warning
> messages as following.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Creating new system based on volume inserter 'cylindricalPET'
>    GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material
> 'Lead',
>      but this need not be a problem.'
>    GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material
> 'Tungsten',
>      but this need not be a problem.'
>    GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'BGO',
>      but this need not be a problem.'
>    GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material
> 'Water',
>      but this need not be a problem.'
> G4ProcessManager::GetAttribute(): particle[GenericIon]
>   index out of range
>   #processes[3]  index [-1]
> G4ProcessManager::GetAttribute(): particle[GenericIon]
>   index out of range
>   #processes[3]  index [-1]
>  SetCutValueForOthers became obsolete.
>  It is harmless to remove this invokation without any side effects.
>  This dummy method implementation will be removed soon.
>  Ignoring confine condition
>  Ignoring confine condition
> GateSourceMgr::ListSources: List of the sources in the source managaer
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Could you let me know what the problem on this benchmark is?
> It seems to me that Gate could not find Materials properly.
> So I copy Materials.xml and GateMaterials.db to my working directory.
> But, I still have the same messages when I run benchmarkPET.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Taehyong Kim
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