[Gate-users] GATE resources available

Mayo Garcia Rafael rafael.mayo at ciemat.es
Fri Jun 30 09:56:19 CEST 2006

Dear all,

on behalf of the EELA project (http://www.eu-eela.org) I'd like to point out the availability of free computing recourses due to GATE has been installed in some of its partners.

Because of the aim of our project, we are very interested in Latin American partners so that is why we send this message specially to University of Santiago of Chile (USACH) and any other institution in LA.

After an agreement through a MoU, we offer the use of resources and the collaboration of people involved in EELA.

For furtther information, please contact the following people:

Jesús Casado - Project Coordinator - mailto:jesus.casado at ciemat.es
Rafael Mayo - Applications Manager - mailto:rafael.mayo at ciemat.es
Vicente Hernández - Biomedical Task Leader - mailto:vhernand at dsic.upv.es
Ignacio Blanquer - Deputy Biomedical TL - mailto:iblanque at dsic.upv.es

Rafael Mayo García
Telf. +34 91 346 6000 (Ext. 6829)
Fax   +34 91 346 6537
Despacho 22.1.31
División de Informática - CIEMAT
Avenida Complutense, 22
28040 MADRID

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