[gate-users] gean4 5.2 p2

Manuel Bardiès manu at nantes.inserm.fr
Fri Feb 3 11:01:23 CET 2006


You are correct, I could not find a G4 version before 4.6...
Is that really a nuisance?
Is there a specific reason not to install the current Gate release  
(2.1.0 or 2.2.0)?
I believe the previous Gate releases are given as indications, but I  
would advise against installing versions prior to 'actual' release.
Maybe we should remove the link on the Gate web page...

Best regards,


Le 3 févr. 06 à 05:14, JinSu Kim a écrit :
> I would like to install GATE 1.0.1
> I found that this system was installed under geant4 5.2 p02
> However, I could not find where can I get gean4 5.2 p02 package.
> Would you comment about this problem?
> Warm regards.
> Jin su kim

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