[gate-users] ecat7 output

Mutanga Theodore muathe02 at student.umu.se
Thu Sep 1 12:09:37 CEST 2005

I think you should follow the instructions on the GATE USERs guide page,
make sure the environmental variables are actually set correctly then
modify the file machine_indep.h as said.

I have recently installed GATE with ECAT support using just those
instructions. You are probably missing something. Do you have the include
and lib directories in the ecat folder? in the include directory you
should have matrix.h and machine_indep.h and in the lib directory you
should have a Linux-g++ directory which contains the libecat.a file. when
you souse the gate_env.sh(csh) make sure $G4SYTEM is Linux-g++, make sure
you see something like ....ecat7 output enabled... before you go on to
compile GATE.


> Dear Gate users,
> It seems that I have the same problem mentioned by Vandana.
> I have successfully compiled Gate with the library of ECAT according to
> the manual and minor modification in the machine_indep.h. However, it
> doesn't recognize ECAT commands for the output when Gate is run.
> My configuration is,
> Debian gcc-3.3
> geant4.6.2.p02
> clhep-
> gate_v2.1.0
> When I type ls /gate/output/, the prompt is
> /gate/output/analysis/ ...Title not available...
> /gate/output/digi/ ...Title not available...
> /gate/output/ascii/ ...Title not available...
> /gate/output/root/ ...Title not available...
> Thanks for your suggestion.
> Best Regards,
> Robin
> Vandana Kohli wrote:
>>Dear Gate users,
>>I was able to compile GATE with ecat. Had to make a slight change to
>>I have run a simulation and it is writing ecat output.
>>On 8/22/05, Vandana Kohli <kohli.vandana at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Dear Theo,
>>>The ECAT7_HOME points to the directory where Ecat 7 is installed. I
>>>have checked the header files (matrix.h and machine_indep .h ) are in
>>>the ecat7_home/include and libecat.a is in ecat7_home/lib/Linux-g++.
>>>Is there something that I am missing.
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