[gate-users] Quantum Efficiency Tables

Martin Rey martin.rey at epfl.ch
Mon Dec 12 23:15:35 CET 2005

Hi Ross,

It is actually what it does. In fact, as the scintillation photons are 
not simulated in Gate (until now), it seemed righter to me to reduce the 
energy of the pulse. In fact, the result will be rather something 
proportional to the scintillation photon number than energy. I used it 
to simulate the differences between the peak position of our pixels 
observed on real data. Than, I could apply a kind of hardware threshold 
(the same for all pixels) and then did a re-calibration in energy. I 
hope you understood my explanation.

Schmidtlein, Ross/Sloan-Kettering Institute wrote:

>I am looking at how to mimic the behavior of a detector block (6x6
>crystals) by cutting some of the events in the corners and edges of the
>block.  I was trying to use the following commands:
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert quantumEfficiency
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/quantumEfficiency/chooseQEVolume crystal
>/gate/digitizer/Singles/quantumEfficiency/useFileDataForQE QE.dat
>Where QE.dat contains 36 numbers ranging from .5 to 1.0.
>Instead of randomly cutting events this command seems to be reducing the
>energy per event in proportion to the QE.dat table.  Is this what this
>command is supposed to be doing?  It doesn't look that way in the users
>guide.  Does anyone have any ideas?  I'm hoping to avoid digging through
>the code. ;)
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