[gate-users] How to input a history file

Schmidtlein, Ross/Sloan-Kettering Institute schmidtr at mskcc.org
Mon Aug 1 21:40:59 CEST 2005

Hi David,

I'm not sure if I was answering Mikhail questions with my comments but he brought up a topic that is at least very similar to one that someone asked me about recently.  I was thinking in terms of the first option that you mentioned.  This method would take a list of particles recorded at a boundary crossing and then importing this list into GATE in order to take advantage of GATE's sophisticated and detailed geometries and signal processing abilities.

In terms of using only DigiGATE (option 2), a program to convert the users MC interactions into a "Hits" file and a Gate scanner model are "all" ;) that are really needed.  I'm sure the devil's in the details in this sort of endeavor but conceptually it's not too horrible. 

What do you think?


-----Original Message-----
From: gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch [mailto:gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch] On Behalf Of GUEZ David
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 2:53 PM
To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users
Subject: Re: [gate-users] How to input a history file

Schmidtlein, Ross/Sloan-Kettering Institute a écrit :

>Hi Mikhail and Seb,
>I was speaking to several people from the University of Washington and 
>they are also interested in this sort of option.  I agree that the Hits 
>file may be a good place to start but from what I understand DigiGATE 
>doesn't really do any particle transport.  To my mind we need to have a 
>method to store information in a "hits" type format at a specified 
>boundary crossing location and then import this information back to the 
>particle gun.  In this manner, a standard input interface could be 
>defined and tested.  Other MC programs output could then be translated 
>into this format and input into Gate.  Does anyone have any additional 
>thoughts on this?

Just some little remark, I think (but I may have misunderstood), that 
the  Mikhail's need is to generate the initial photons with an external 
program. And, as far as I understand, the digigate option asks the hits 
(generation+transport+particle/detector interactions) to be processed. 
So, no particle transportation is done with digigate. In such a case, 
two options are possibles :
1) Just use an external photon generator and link it to the GATE's 
GEANT4 particle transport calls.
2) Do generation AND transportation externally, and use digigate.

If only the generation is needed, the first method seems to be much more 
simple, because one doesn't need to translate the geometry description 
(from the GATE macro) to another MC format (necessary to the particle 
transport). May be the virtualMC architecture of ROOT (which is already 
a quasi-dependency of GATE) could help if the second method is required.


**  David GUEZ                                                 **
**  ^^^^^^^^^^                                                 **
**                                                             **
**  Service de Physique Nucléaire |                            **
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