Corinne J Groiselle corinne.groiselle at umassmed.edu
Wed Sep 29 15:13:31 CEST 2004

Giovanni is right, sorry about that, I forgot to mention the virtual 
links in the doc... :-\
I added it and attached the new version to the email.

By the way, I saw that there are some documentations posted on the 
website. If you think it's useful, you can add this one.


Giovanni Santin wrote:

>I haven't followed al lthe discussion before and I don;t follow exactly 
>the steps in the UMASS doc, but:
>while linking, ld is looking for 'libCLHEP.a' (you see it from the error 
>message: cannot find -lCLHEP)
>in your CLHEP_LIB_DIR (= /usr/src/CLHEP/lib) which files do you have?
>did you create a symbolic link libCLHEP.a to the *real* library file 
>(that in my example I will call libCLHEP-g++. 
>with the commands:
>ln -s libCLHEP-g++. libCLHEP.a
>hope this helps


Corinne J. Groiselle, PhD
Research instructor

Division of Nuclear Medicine / Department of Radiology
University of Massachusetts Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655

_phone_: (508)-856-6123 - fax: (508)-856-4572
_e-mail_: Corinne.Groiselle at umassmed.edu
_professional homepage_: http://users.umassmed.edu/corinne.groiselle
_personal homepage_: http://corinne.groiselle.free.fr

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