[gate-users] linux versions...???

Corinne J Groiselle corinne.groiselle at umassmed.edu
Wed Oct 13 16:12:46 CEST 2004

I have GATE running with SuSE Linux 9.0 (x86-64).

-- Corinne

Peter Bloomfield wrote:

>Dear Nicolas,
>My experience is as follows,
>I have tried to install Gate under SuSE for quite some time now with little, 
>or no success, starting with version 8.?. At that time, I changed to RedHat 9 
>and installed with no problem. Since then I have progressed through both 
>Fedora Core 1 and 2 again with no problems.
>On Wednesday 13 October 2004 09:51, Nicolas Sakelios wrote:
>>Hi everybody,
>>I have successfully install GATE and working on it in my desk PC, in which
>>I m using Red Hat Linux 9.0. All seems to work OK, and no problem up to
>>now. I tried to install GATE in my laptop as well. The operating system is
>>the SUSE Linux 9.1, KDE version 3.2.1 and release 2.6.4-52.
>>GATE was successfully installed, no errors appeared, but the program
>>doesn�t open at all. Instead, I am asked if I want to �debug� or
>>something like that. I am wondering whether GATE can work with the SUSE
>>Linux version I have, or I should install Red Hat Linux 9.0 to my laptop
>>too, if I want to run the program there.
>>Thank you very much
>>Nicolas Sakelios
>>National Technical University of Athens
>>My configuration options are the following.
>>G4WORKDIR is set to .
>>G4TMP is set to ./tmp
>>G4BIN is se to ./bin
>>Data analysis and output features enabled
>>Ascii data output enabled
>>Use of ROOT disabled
>>ROOT real time plotter disabled
>>LMF data output disabled
>>ECAT7 data output disabled
>>WARNING: variable GATEHOME is not set
>>		It will be assumed to be the current directory
>>Checking your path variable�
>>=> OK: /root/gate_v1.0.1/bin/Linux-g++ added to your path variable
>>G4VERSION is not set: GATE will use the code compatible with Geant4 version
>>=> 5.0
>>G4VERSION5.1 is set: GATE will use the run manager compatible with Geant4
>>version => 5.1
>>G4VERSION5.2 is set: GATE is compatible with Geant4 version => 5.2
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>>gate-users mailing list
>>gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch


Corinne J. Groiselle, PhD
Research instructor

Division of Nuclear Medicine / Department of Radiology
University of Massachusetts Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655

_phone_: (508)-856-6123 - fax: (508)-856-4572
_e-mail_: Corinne.Groiselle at umassmed.edu
_professional homepage_: http://users.umassmed.edu/corinne.groiselle
_personal homepage_: http://corinne.groiselle.free.fr

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