[gate-users] UMASS GATE INSTALL GUIDE, FW: [gate-devel] error at the end of a simulation / X11 refresh

Schmidtlein, Ross/Sloan-Kettering Institute schmidtr at mskcc.org
Fri Oct 1 15:53:15 CEST 2004

Hi Theodore,

Here is an old series of emails that I think will answer your questions
about your OpenGL problems.

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Corinne J. Groiselle, PhD [mailto:Corinne.Groiselle at umassmed.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 11:53 AM
To: gate-devel at iphepet1.unil.ch
Subject: Re: [gate-devel] error at the end of a simulation / X11 refresh

Hi Fernando,

  Another way to add backing store is by modifying
 /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf (if you are running Gnome)

Go the the [server-Standard] section and change the
"command" line as follows:

name=Standard server
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X +bs

I am running gnome but I do not have the lines you mention in my
/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf file. Should I add them up?

If this doesn't work try with 
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers. It should be like this:

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X +bs

I found that one and added +bs at the end of the line. It was not there!

It's not enough and still do not work! :-\ 

Cheers, Corinne

Corinne J. Groiselle, PhD wrote:


It still doesn't work for me :-( . I modified both files and rebooted
again... I don't know if login out is enough.
I attached both files I modified. 


Schmidtlein, Ross/Medical Physics wrote:

Hi Corrine and Daniel,
I just modified the /etc/X11/XFConfig in the device section and it
worked great.  Attached is my config file.  Hope that helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Corinne J. Groiselle, PhD [mailto:Corinne.Groiselle at umassmed.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 8:37 AM
To: gate-devel at iphepet1.unil.ch
Subject: Re: [gate-devel] error at the end of a simulation

Hi Daniel,

It doesn't work! I modified: 
logout, reboot and the openGL window still do not refresh. I have RH
7.3. Could someone else, with the same version of RH, give it a try and
tell me if it works.

Thanks, Corinne

Daniel Strul wrote:

Hi Corinne,

Yes, the refresh issue unfortunately is very common. There is a tip on

topic in a Geant4 user forum at:



OpenGL refresh with X-Windows (i.e. XF86) on Linux

Base: Visualization

Keywords: visualization OpenGL

Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 16:04:01 GMT

From: Jeremy McCormick  <mailto:jeremy at nicadd.niu.edu>
<jeremy at nicadd.niu.edu>

This is just a quick tip for those users frustrated by the lack of

"refreshing" when using OpenGL windows for G4 visualization on Linux

with X.

I found that adding the line

    Option "backingstore"

to the "Device" section of /etc/X11/XF86Config makes everything okay.

This makes X store the windowing information when a window is not in the


By default, this is not enabled on RH 7 and later.



Maybe it can solve the problem?



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Corinne J. Groiselle, PhD

To: gate-devel at iphepet1.unil.ch

Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 2:29 PM

Subject: Re: [gate-devel] error at the end of a simulation

Hi Daniel,

Reading your suggestions, I guess I understand what's happened. During

simulation, I closed the OPENGL display window. Each time I swap

or move another window over it, I loose the display because it doesn't

refresh automatically. I find that upsetting. Does someone have a

for that? I had the same problem with IDL and Linux but after I set an

environment variable to refresh auotmatically the display windows, the

problem was solved.

Thanks for the suggestions...

Have a good one, Corinne


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Division of Nuclear Medicine / Department of Radiology

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Division of Nuclear Medicine / Department of Radiology

University of Massachusetts Medical School

55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA 01655, USA

phone: (508)-856-6123 - fax: (508)-856-4321

e-mail: Corinne.Groiselle at umassmed.edu

personal homepage: http://corinne.groiselle.free.fr

professional homepage: http://wachusett.umassmed.edu/~corinne/




Division of Nuclear Medicine / Department of Radiology

University of Massachusetts Medical School

55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA 01655, USA

phone: (508)-856-6123 - fax: (508)-856-4321

e-mail: Corinne.Groiselle at umassmed.edu

personal homepage: http://corinne.groiselle.free.fr

professional homepage: http://wachusett.umassmed.edu/~corinne/

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