[gate-users] benchmark problem

Sophie Kerhoas skerhoas at cea.fr
Fri May 28 11:55:51 CEST 2004

Hi Christopher,
  My answer arrive late, and you have perhaps solved your problem, but
just in case, I propose you an explanation of what you have seen when
you launch Gate with all the ***** COMMAND NOT FOUND  lines.

You have different ways to launch Gate.
In a interactive way:
userprompt>  Gate (return)
 PreInit> /control/execute SPECTbench.mac

or directly from your prompt with 
userprompt> Gate < SPECTbench.mac

if you forget the < by tying
userprompt> Gate SPECTbench.mac
you will have problems since the program will not recognize 
the visualization command. If you comment all the visualization commands 
with the # in the macro, it will work without <

hope that it will help


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