[gate-users] Gate_V1.0 installation

Sebastien Jan jan at shfj.cea.fr
Thu May 13 16:28:16 CEST 2004

Hi again,

Concerning the release note of G4.5.2, you can find the following
informations :

1. Supported and Tested Platforms

  o SUN Solaris 5.8, C++ 5.4 Patch 111715-02.
  o Linux, gcc 2.95.2, gcc 3.2.
      This configuration was tested with the RedHat 7.3 distribution,
      versions of Geant4 have also been compiled successfully on other
      Linux distributions, like Debian or Suse.
      The default RedHat compiler gcc-2.96 distributed in RedHat 7.X is
      supported. It has been verified that it produces incorrect
      therefore is not reliable. See also note below.

This G4 version was not tested with RH 7.2.
I have no more information or experience about this point but it is more
reasonnable to
try to install G4 and GATE with an other version of RedHat than the 7.2


> Hi Pascal,
> I know............
> But I spent a lot of time trying to see what was going on and it would
> never work!
> I could compile G4, and then I couldn't run it. I guess the executable
> file was probably corrupted.
> I am sorry, I am not of much of help in this.
> Corinne
> Calvat Pascal wrote:
>> Hi Corinne,we have several version of gcc 2.95.2, 2.95.3, 3.0.4,
>> 3.1, 3.2, 3.2.3, 3.3 ggc-alt-3.2 (version speciale du cern)egsc
>> (2.92.66) is six years old. Normally,in the README file, the
>> required version of gcc is 3.2 to compile gate. I don't understand
>> why it doesn't work with gcc 3.2 on redhat 7.2.Thank you for your
>> helpCheersPascal Calvat (CC-IN2P3)
>>      -----Message d'origine-----
>>      De : Groiselle, Corinne
>>      [mailto:gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch]De la part de
>>      Groiselle, Corinne
>>      Envoyé : jeudi 13 mai 2004 13:47
>>      À : GATE feedback and helpline for Users
>>      Objet : RE: [gate-users] Gate_V1.0 installation
>>      Hi,For info, I have never been able to have GATE running
>>      with RH 7.2 and gcc. I used egcs instead and the problem
>>      was solved!Corinne
>>           -----Original Message-----
>>           From: gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch on
>>           behalf of Calvat Pascal
>>           Sent: Thu 5/13/2004 7:40 AM
>>           To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users
>>           Cc:
>>           Subject: RE: [gate-users] Gate_V1.0 installation
>>           Hi Sebastien,1) I use the following compiler
>>           : gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)Geant has
>>           been compiled with this compiler.2) Result of
>>           source env_gate:The current value of G4INSTALL
>>           is: /usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02
>>           The current value of G4VERSION is: 5.2Launching
>>           Geant4 configuration script
>>           /usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02/env.cshOn
>>           this machine the G4SYSTEM=Linux-g++
>>           On this machine the
>>           G4INSTALL=/usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02
>>           On this machine the
>>           G4INCLUDE=/usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02/include
>>           On this machine the
>>           G4LIB=/usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02/lib
>>           On this machine the
>>           G4LEVELGAMMADATA=/usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02/data/PhotonEvaporation
>>           On this machine the
>>           G4RADIOACTIVEDATA=/usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02/data/RadiativeDecay
>>           On this machine the
>>           G4LEDATA=/usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02/../G4EMLOW1.1
>>           On this machine the
>>           NeutronHPCrossSections=/usr/local/geant4/geant4.5.2.ref02/../G4NDL3.7
>>           On this machine the
>>           CLHEP_BASE_DIR=/usr/local/lhcxx/CLHEP/
>>           On this machine the
>>           CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/lhcxx/CLHEP/
>>           On this machine the
>>           CLHEP_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lhcxx/CLHEP/
>>           On this machine the CLHEP_LIB_DIR has been added
>>           to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>>           On this machine the CLHEP_LIB=CLHEP
>>           On this machine the G4ANALYSIS_USE=1
>>           On this machine the G4UI_BUILD_XM_SESSION=1
>>           On this machine the G4UI_USE_XM=1
>>           On this machine the G4VIS_BUILD_DAWN_DRIVER=1
>>           On this machine the G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLX_DRIVER=1
>>           On this machine the
>>           On this machine the G4VIS_USE_DAWN=1
>>           On this machine the G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1
>>           On this machine the G4VIS_USE_OPENGLXM=1
>>           On this machine the OGLHOME=/usr
>>           On this machine the G4LIB_BUILD_G3TOG4=1
>>           On this machine the G4USE_G3TOG4=1
>>           On this machine the G4LIB_USE_GRANULAR=1
>>           G4WORKDIR will be set to
>>           HOME=/afs/in2p3.fr/home/c/calvat.Configuring
>>           GATE optionsG4WORKDIR set to .
>>           G4TMP set to ./tmp
>>           G4BIN set to ./bin
>>           Data analysis and output features enabled
>>           Ascii data output enabled
>>           Checking your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable...
>>            ==> OK:
>>           /usr/local/root/root_v3.10.02.gcc2.95.2/root/lib
>>           added to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>>           Use of ROOT enabled
>>           ROOT real-time plotter disabled
>>           LMF data output disabled
>>           ECAT7 data output disabled
>>           WARNING: variable GATEHOME is not set
>>                    it will be assumed to be the current
>>           directory
>>                    ==>
>>           /afs/.in2p3.fr/system/@sys/usr/local/gate
>>           Checking your path variable...
>>            ==> OK:
>>           /afs/.in2p3.fr/system/@sys/usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++
>>           added to your path variable
>>           G4VERSION4 is not set: GATE will use the code
>>           compatible with Geant4 version >= 5.0
>>           G4VERSION5_1 is set: GATE will use the run
>>           manager compatible with the Geant4 version >=
>>           5.1
>>           G4VERSION5_2 is set: GATE is compatible with the
>>           Geant4 version = 5.2
>>           CheersPascal Calvat
>>                -----Message d'origine-----
>>                De :
>>                gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
>>                [mailto:gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch]De
>>                la part de Sebastien Jan
>>                Envoyé : jeudi 13 mai 2004 12:35
>>                À : GATE feedback and helpline for
>>                Users
>>                Objet : Re: [gate-users] Gate_V1.0
>>                installation
>>                Hi Pascal,
>>                What is your compiler ?
>>                RH 7.2 et G4.5.2 are not defined in
>>                the recommanded set up, but normaly
>>                GATE works also with the following
>>                version :
>>                RH 7.2
>>                G4.5.2-p01
>>                compiler : egsc 2.91.66
>>                Cheers
>>                seb
>>                > Hi,
>>                >
>>                > I'm trying to install Gate on the
>>                > CC-IN2P3 cluster with redhat 7.2 and
>>                > geant4 (version 5.2ref02)
>>                > When I run the command "make", I
>>                > obtain the following message :
>>                >
>>                > Compiling GateAnalysis.cc ...
>>                > In file included from
>>                > src/GateAnalysis.cc:85:
>>                > include/GateTrajectoryN
>>                > vigator.hh:57: syntax error before
>>                > `::' token
>>                > include/Ga
>>                > eTrajectoryNavigator.hh:69: ISO C++
>>                > forbids declaration of
>>                > `G4std'
>>                >    with no type
>>                > include/GateTra
>>                > ectoryNavigator.hh:69: `G4std'
>>                > declared as an `inline' field
>>                > include/GateTrajectoryNavigat
>>                > r.hh:69: parse error before `::'
>>                > token
>>                > include/GateTrajectoryNavigator.hh:
>>                > In member function
>>                > `G4TrajectoryContainer*
>>                >
>>                > GateTrajectoryNavigator::GetTrajectoryContainer()':
>>                >
>>                > include/GateTrajectoryNavigator.hh:67:
>>                > `m_trajectoryContainer' undeclared
>>                >    (first use this function)
>>                > include/GateTrajectoryNaviga
>>                > or.hh:67: (Each undeclared identifier
>>                > is
>>                > reported
>>                >    only once for each function it
>>                > appears in.)
>>                > include/GateTrajectoryNavigator.hh:
>>                > In function `G4int
>>                > GetPositronTrackID()':
>>                > include/GateTrajectory
>>                > avigator.hh:71: `m_positronTrackID'
>>                > undeclared (first
>>                >    use this function)
>>                > include/GateTrajectoryNavigator.hh:
>>                > In function `void
>>                > SetVerboseLevel(int)':
>>                > include/GateTrajectory
>>                > avigator.hh:75: `m_verboseLevel'
>>                > undeclared (first
>>                > use
>>                >    this function)
>>                > include/GateTrajectoryNavigator.hh:
>>                > At global scope:
>>                > include/GateTraj
>>                > ctoryNavigator.hh:77: parse error
>>                > before `protected'
>>                > include/GateTrajec
>>                > oryNavigator.hh:82: syntax error
>>                > before `::' token
>>                > include/GateTraje
>>                > toryNavigator.hh:83: `G4int
>>                > m_positronTrackID' used prior
>>                > to
>>                >    declaration
>>                > include/GateTr
>>                > jectoryNavigator.hh:87: `G4int
>>                > m_verboseLevel' used prior to
>>                >    declaration
>>                > include/GateTr
>>                > jectoryNavigator.hh:88: parse error
>>                > before `}' token
>>                > In file included from
>>                > include/GateVolumeID.hh:72,
>>                >                  from
>>                > include/GateCrystalHit.hh:66,
>>                >                  from
>>                > src/GateAnalysis.cc:92:
>>                > include/GateVObjectInserter.hh:149:
>>                > syntax error before `::' token
>>                > include/GateVObjectInserter.hh: In
>>                > member function `virtual G4int
>>                >
>>                > GateVObjectInserter::GetVolumeNumber()
>>                > const':
>>                > include/GateVObjectInserter.hh:119:
>>                > `m_own_phys_vector' undeclared (first
>>                >
>>                > use
>>                >    this function)
>>                > In file included from
>>                > include/GateCrystalHit.hh:66,
>>                >
>>                > Thank you for your help.
>>                >
>>                > ________________________
>>                > ________________
>>                > Pascal CALVAT
>>                >
>>                > Centre de Calcul IN2P3/CNRS - Lyon
>>                > (FRANCE)
>>                >
>>                > http://cc.in2p3.fr
>>                >
>>                > Tel. +33 | Fax. +33
>>                > |
>>                >
>>                > _______________
>>                > _______________________________
>>                > gate-users mailing list
>>                > gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
>>                >
>>                > ttp://lphe1pet1.epfl.ch/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
>>                --
>>                Sebastien JAN - CEA DSV/DRM/SHFJ
>>                4 pl. Général Leclerc           Tel (33) 01 69 86 78 21
>>                91406 Orsay France              Fax (33) 01 69 86 77 49
>>                --
>>     --------------------------------------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> gate-users mailing list
>> gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
>> http://lphe1pet1.epfl.ch/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Corinne J. Groiselle, PhD
> Research instructor
> Division of Nuclear Medicine / Department of Radiology
> University of Massachusetts Medical School
> 55 Lake Avenue North
> Worcester, MA 01655
> phone: (508)-856-6123 - fax: (508)-856-4321
> e-mail: Corinne.Groiselle at umassmed.edu
> professional homepage: http://wachusett.umassmed.edu/~corinne/
> personal homepage: http://corinne.groiselle.free.fr
>    ----------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> gate-users mailing list
> gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
> http://lphe1pet1.epfl.ch/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
4 pl. Général Leclerc           Tel (33) 01 69 86 78 21
91406 Orsay France              Fax (33) 01 69 86 77 49

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