[Gate-users] Internal Dosimetry with Anthropomorphic Phantom

Nicollas Goncalves Cavedini nicollas.cavedini at acad.pucrs.br
Thu Oct 6 23:43:06 CEST 2022

Dear GATE Users,

I am working on my PhD project with PET/CT images of prostate cancer and I
have some questions about anthropomorphic phantom simulations. I intend to
perform simulations with 177Lu using the "Golem" phantom from GSF Family.

My questions are:
1) Is the "Ion Source" recommended for this?

2) Is the "DoseActor" the best way to record the dose? I was searching in
the previous e-mails and I have found a report that the DoseActor may not
be the most suitable resource for this application.

3) How do I calculate the S-values? For each simulation, I get the absorbed
dose in each organ, but how do I "transform" this into S-values? We have
PET images with 4 time points after the injection and I can extract the
accumulated activity (Ã).

Any help is appreciated!

*Best regards,*

*Nícollas Gonçalves Cavedini*
BSc in Physics - PUCRS
M. Eng. in Electrical Engineering - PUCRS
PhD student in Biomedical Gerontology - PUCRS

Medical Image Computing Laboratory (MEDICOM)
Contact: +55 (51) 99922-9957
Porto Alegre, Brazil.
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