[Gate-users] Empty coincidences tree in cylindricalPET

Ane Etxebeste ane.etxebeste at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue Nov 15 10:36:16 CET 2022

By default the minimum rsector difference to generate coincidences is 
set to 2.
Since your scanner is made of two "rsectors" you should accept 
coincidences between contiguos rsectors.
You can do that using the following line
/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/minSectorDifference 1

I hope it helps.
Best regards,

On 15/11/2022 10:29, Satyajit Ghosh wrote:
> Dear Gaters,
>                      I have simulated a two-face rectangular NaI 
> detector using cylindricalPET system. For producing two rectangular 
> detectors I have used a ring repeater and repeated the rsector for 2 
> times. Module and crystal is defined as a single unit in the rsector 
> for time being.
>                      I am getting expected SIngles tree data but the 
> coincidence tree is empty. I have checked the Flags in output definitions.
> Regards
> Satyajit
> 15-Nov.-2022
> -- 
> *Satyajit Ghosh, M.Sc.*
> *PhD Student*
> *Nuclear Spectroscopy and Molecular Imaging Lab,
> *
> *Physics Department, IIT Bombay,*
> *Mumbai-400076, INDIA*
> *
> *
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