[Gate-users] monochromatic X-ray source

Howard lomahu at gmail.com
Sun May 8 23:15:37 CEST 2022

Hi Ashok,

It is now working. Thank you for your help!


On Sun, May 8, 2022 at 3:04 PM Ashok Tiwari <tiwarias at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello Howard,
> It looks like you are missing *gps* command in your source definition.
> See below for the working example (but using a point source, change that
> for your need):
> /gate/source/addSource monoenergetic_xray gps
> /gate/source/monoenergetic_xray/gps/particle gamma
> /gate/source/monoenergetic_xray/gps/energytype Mono
> /gate/source/monoenergetic_xray/gps/ene/mono 30. keV
> /gate/source/monoenergetic_xray/gps/angtype iso
> /gate/source/monoenergetic_xray/gps/centre 0. 0. -80. mm
> /gate/source/monoenergetic_xray/gps/type Point
> /gate/source/monoenergetic_xray/attachTo my_phantom
> /gate/source/monoenergetic_xray/visualize 100 yellow 2
> /gate/source/list
> Hope this helps.
> Thanks,
> Ashok
> On Sunday, 8 May 2022, 01:25:53 pm GMT-5, Howard <lomahu at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to simulate CBCT with a monoenergy X-ray source, say 30keV.
> Is there an easy way to implement this? I tried to set the following in the
> source macro but did not work. Do I have to set up the fluorescent X-ray
> for the monochromatic source? Any feedback would be appreciated.
> Howard
> /gate/source/addSource xraygun
> /gate/source/verbose 0
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/verbose 0
> # Particle type
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/particle gamma
> # Source geometry
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/type Plane
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/shape Rectangle
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/halfx 0.025 mm
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/halfy 0.025 mm
> # Source position
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/centre 0. 0. -80. mm
> # Emission direction
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/mintheta  0. deg
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/maxtheta 15. deg
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/angtype iso
> # Energy distribution
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/energytype Mono
> /gate/source/xraygun/gps/monoenergy 30.0 keV
> /gate/source/list
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