[Gate-users] Hoffman Brain Phantom

Xinjie Cao xinjie.cao at stonybrook.edu
Thu Mar 24 15:08:17 CET 2022

Hi Daniel,

Since several guys emailed me for looking for a phantom. I am responding to
the mailing list in case there are other guys who are interested in getting
a phantom to initiate the research. For the beginner, I recommend the Zubal
brain phantom as follows,
The Zubal phantom is pretty good but a bit old, so some details are not
included if you want to do more.

And for advanced simulation, I recommend XCAT phantom which includes more
details as follows,

Also, one of the Gaters sent me another link about very high-resolution
Brain Images/volumes (up to 100um) which might be useful for you too, the
link is below,

Hope this helps!


On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 8:34 AM Daniel Bonifacio <daniel.bonifacio at ipen.br>

> Dear Xinjie,
> I saw your post about the digital version of the Hoffman Brain phantom at
> the GATE's user list:
> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/pipermail/gate-users/2020-June/011715.html
> Did you find this phantom or are you using another one?
> I want to use it for GATE simulations as well.
> Regards,
> --
> Daniel Alexandre B. Bonifacio, D.Sc.
> Nuclear and Energy Research Institute / Brazilian Nuclear Energy
> Commission (IPEN/CNEN)
> Avenida Lineu Prestes, 2242, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo - SP - Brazil
> CEP 05508-000
> phone: +55 11 28101666 cel.:+55 21 986451441

*Xinjie Cao*
*M.Eng. / Ph.D. Candidate*
*Research Project Assistant*
*Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering & Radiology *
*Novel Medical Imaging Technologies Lab*
*Health Science Center Level 8*
*Stony Brook, NY 11794-8460 *
*Tel: +1 (631)202-9445*
*email: **xinjie.cao at stonybroo*k.edu <xinjie.cao at stonybrook.edu>

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