[Gate-users] KillActor - prevent decay progeny?

Josh Knowland jknowland at lucernodynamics.com
Thu Mar 10 18:13:36 CET 2022

Hello GATE users,

I am trying to simulate Ac-225 ion source without its progeny (Fr-221, At-217, etc.). I have used the following actor to attempt this:

/gate/actor/addActor KillActor KDA
/gate/actor/KDA/save killed.txt
/gate/actor/KDA/attachTo world
/gate/actor/KDA/addFilter particleFilter
/gate/actor/KDA/particleFilter/addParticleZ 87

I do have a 'killed.txt' file that lists the number of killed tracks. However, I am still getting Fr-221 generated (PDG code 1000872210) and the resulting ionization energy from them.

Does anyone know how to prevent Fr-221 from being generated at all so that I don't have its ionization energy included? The KillActor seems to only act once there is a track - not on the particle itself.

Thank you!

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