[Gate-users] ERROR: The image contains HU indices out of range of the HU range

Mohammed REZZOUG nmedrezz at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 22:49:53 CET 2022

Dear Gate users,
I want to run a simulation with a CT images, but I've got the following

<!> *** WARNING *** <!>  The image contains HU indices out of range of the
HU range found in /home/med/Linac_ap15_9m/data/patient-HU2mat.txt
HU    min, max: -1001, 3001
Image min, max: -1000, 3071

[Volume-0] ERROR: too many HU values are out of the range of the materials
******** 0 underflows (HU<-1001) ********
******** 89 overflows (HU>3001) ********
[Volume-0] (The maximum 'bad' fraction is 0 and the image has 20709376
so maximum 0 out-of-range HU values are allowed.
Possible solutions: fix your input image, or expand the HU range of the
HU-to-materials table.
Or, if you really know what you are doing, you can set the
'setMaxOutOfRangeFraction' option to a nonzero value larger than
4.29757e-06 .)
GateVImageVolume.cc (l.469): ABORT


Thank you in advance.

Abu Yusuf
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