[Gate-users] Empty output file with voxelized source/phantom and ring PET scanner
Marina Beguin
mbeguin at phys.ethz.ch
Mon Aug 22 12:11:32 CEST 2022
Dear Gate users,
I am having difficulties obtaining an output from my simulation. The
simulation run as it should be (long enough), smoothly and there is no
error messages. *However, after my simulation my root file is empty.
*I checked the forum and followed the few inputs I found but I really
don't understand the reason of my problem.**Hereafter are a few details.*
I hope one of you already faced this issue and will remember what needs
to be changed/added.*
I am using:
Gate 9.0
root 6.22/02
Ubuntu 20.04.4
I am simulating a brain scan from real CT/PT data and centered in a ring
PET scanner. Both my source and my phantom are voxelized. I am using
back-to-back gamma radiations with the emstandard_opt3 physics list and
the RadioactiveDecay process.
I would like to save only the singles in the output file.
The sourceMap below shows that the simulation is running correctly.
Furthermore, below the image is a part of the verbose from source. It
also proves that particles are generated.
Source verbose:
[GateSourceVoxellized::GeneratePrimaries] Centre: 4.87951 4.50845
7.91909 cm
NumberOfParticlesToBeGenerated: 2
Particle name: gamma
Energy: 0.511
Position: (48.9512,25.5379,79.5088)
Direction: (-0.619851,0.684191,0.384275)
Particle name: gamma
Energy: 0.511
Position: (48.9512,25.5379,79.5088)
Direction: (-0.495773,-0.863156,-0.0957614)
Primary Vertex generated !
GetNumberOfPrimaryVertex : 1
GetNumberOfParticle : 2
GateVSource::GetNextTime : Initial activity (becq) : 589.609
At time (s) 0.657133 activity (becq) 589.568
GateVSource::GetNextTime : next time (s) 0.00132811
GateSourceVoxellized::GetNextTime : firstTime (s) 0.00132811
*A few settings:*
** The digitizer is set like that:*
/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert adder
/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert readout
/gate/digitizer/Singles/readout/setDepth 4
** The physic list is set like that:*
/gate/physics/addPhysicsList emstandard_opt3
/gate/physics/addProcess RadioactiveDecay
/gate/physics/addProcess Decay
** For the output file the settings are these:*
/gate/output/root/setFileName refFullBrain_root
/gate/output/root/setRootHitFlag 0
/gate/output/root/setRootSinglesFlag 1
/gate/output/root/setRootCoincidencesFlag 0
/gate/output/ascii/setSingleMask 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
** the voxelized phantom is set as followed:*
/gate/patientVolume/daughters/name phantom_brain
/gate/patientVolume/daughters/insert ImageNestedParametrisedVolume
/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase gate_stuff/HUmaterials.db
/gate/phantom_brain/geometry/setHUToMaterialFile gate_stuff/HU2mat.mac
/gate/phantom_brain/geometry/setImage data/rawData.mhd
/gate/phantom_brain/vis/setVisible 1
/gate/phantom_brain/placement/setTranslation {phantom_x} {phantom_y}
{phantom_z} mm
**the voxelized source is set as followed:*
/gate/source/addSource voxel_brain voxel
/gate/source/voxel_brain/attachTo phantom_brain
/gate/source/voxel_brain/reader/insert image
/gate/source/voxel_brain/imageReader/translator/insert linear
/gate/source/voxel_brain/imageReader/linearTranslator/setScale 60000000 Bq
/gate/source/voxel_brain/imageReader/readFile data/rawPT.mhd
/gate/source/voxel_brain/setPosition {source_x}
{source_y} {source_z} mm
/gate/source/voxel_brain/setType backtoback
/gate/source/voxel_brain/gps/particle gamma
/gate/source/voxel_brain/gps/ene/type Mono
/gate/source/voxel_brain/setForcedUnstableFlag true
/gate/source/voxel_brain/setForcedHalfLife 6586.2 s
/gate/source/voxel_brain/gps/ene/mono 511. keV
/gate/source/voxel_brain/gps/ang/type iso
/gate/source/voxel_brain/dump 1
Conclusions of what I tried for debugging:
- If I use the exact same code with a sphere phantom (not voxelized),
the simulation runs and the singles are correctly saved in the output
root file.
- If I save the Hits, Singles and Coincidences in an ascii output file
but nothing is saved.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Don't hesitate if something is not clear or if you need more details.
Thanks you very much in advance.
Best regards,
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