[Gate-users] Visualization of a trajectory

LEONID NKUBA leonid_nkuba at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Nov 13 19:07:32 CET 2021

Dear gate user
I have simulated the detector with tungsten and lead collimators, My aim is to assess which collimator material has more geometric (photons that pass through collimator hole), penetrated photons (photons that penetrate septa) and scattered photons which reaches the detector. Have used the bellow script to track the septal penetration

/gate/output/analysis/recordSeptalPenetration true
/gate/output/analysis/setSeptalVolumeName collimator
My questions is 1) Is it possible to visualize (track a photon visually) a penetrated phonon using GATE simulation? 2) How do i analyses the the obtained numbers (as attached) from ROOT flags 3) I want to know the percentage of geometric, penetration and scattered photons in each collimator

Any comment/assistance will be highly appreciated

LeonidPhD in Physic candidate

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