[Gate-users] CT simulation

Simone Ming simone77 at 163.com
Mon May 10 06:52:26 CEST 2021

Dear all

I need some help for ct simulation.

1. If I choose the ASCII output to get the energy deposited to the detectors, how could I get the initial energy (Io) to calculate the projection data as the equation, Projection = ln(I/Io).

2. I always got the message that digi collection not found. I have no idea whether it matters about the output. How should I set up the file to  get rid of this problem.
[GateToASCII::SingleOutputChannel::RecordDigitizer]: digi collection ‘Singles’ not found
[GateToASCII::SingleOutputChannel::RecordDigitizer]: digi collection ‘SinglesAdder’ not found
[GateToASCII::SingleOutputChannel::RecordDigitizer]: digi collection ‘SinglesReadout’ not found
[GateToASCII::SingleOutputChannel::RecordDigitizer]: digi collection ‘SinglesThresholder’ not found

3. If I choose the CT image and ASCII options in the output file, I have the empty ascii singles files and empty image files. If I don’t select the CT image, I will get the singles file. 


/gate/output/ascii/setFileName outputascii
/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSinglesFlag 1

/gate/output/ascii/verbose 2

/gate/output/ascii/setSingleMask 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0


/gate/output/imageCT/setFileName outputimage

# VRT 


/gate/output/imageCT/vrtFactor 10

/gate/output/imageCT/setStartSeed 567489 #676567
I will appreciate for any help. Thanks in advance. 

Best wishes,

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