[Gate-users] ImageNestedParametrisedVolume and TranslateTheImageAtThisIsoCenter: placing CT at RTPlan Isocenter in GATE

G Tom gregthom992 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 05:45:55 CET 2021

I am using ImageNestedParametrisedVolume  to place my ct dataset in GATE.
I have two questions:

1) I don't understand how GATE places the volume. For instance To place my
volume with the origin at the desired isocenter I export the plan from
Eclipse planning system and I use sitk to get the isocenter tag : (300a,
012c) Isocenter Position                  DS: [0, -7.1054274e-15, 0]
(basically 0,0,0. That means I use
/gate/patient/geometry/TranslateTheImageAtThisIsoCenter  0.  0 0. mm. This
doesn't seem right to me as GATE does not account for the
ImagePositionPatient and Orientation ? I use vv to convert the diom ct to

2) How are people placing volumes accurately in GATE from a treatment
planning system RT Plan file ? Please show some step by step if you can.

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