[Gate-users] LET Actor "setRestricted" and "setOtherMaterial" commands not found?

Andreas Resch andreas.resch at meduniwien.ac.at
Thu Jun 17 08:49:59 CEST 2021

Hi Cassandra,

that is a very valid comment. Indeed, in version 9.0 it is not available 
yet, only for higher versions.
You can find the command in the source code here:
but not in the 9.0 tag. So you need to upgrade :-)


Am 2021-06-16 18:58, schrieb Cassandra Miller:
> Hi Andreas,
> Thanks for the response! That makes sense about the SetRestricted
> option. However, I still can't seem to get setOtherMaterial to work:
> [G4-cerr] ***** COMMAND NOT FOUND
> </gate/actor/MyActor/setOtherMaterial G4_WATER> *****
> And this material is already initiated in the geometry. Sorry if this
> is a dumb question, but what is the difference between the develop
> version and the regular gate version 9?
> Best,
> Cassandra
> --
> Cassandra Miller
> PhD Candidate, Physics
> Quantitative Radiomolecular Imaging and Therapy Lab
> Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia
> On 2021-05-03 4:48 a.m., Andreas Resch wrote:
>> [CAUTION: Non-UBC Email]
>> Hi Cassandra,
>> indeed, I removed the option to select "setRestricted" since the 
>> scoring routine was/is not sufficiently verified, but it is still in 
>> the wiki. Thanks for the hint, I'll update the wiki soonish.
>> The "setOtherMaterial" should work (at least in the develop version) 
>> if your custom Material is either initiated in the geometry or is a 
>> default material in G4.
>> best,
>> Andreas
>> Am 2021-04-28 20:27, schrieb Cassandra Miller:
>>> Hello all,
>>> The gate wiki lists the following commands for the LET actor:
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/setRestricted false
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/setOtherMaterial G4_WATER
>>> But when I try and use them, I get the error:
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/setRestricted false
>>> [G4-cerr] ***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/actor/MyActor/setRestricted
>>> false> *****
>>> [Gate] Sorry, error in a macro command : abort.
>>> with a similar error for "setOtherMaterial". Does anyone know why 
>>> they
>>> don't work? I'm using gate version 9. My entire actor script is:
>>> /gate/actor/addActor    LETActor       MyActor
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/save               output/myLETactor.mhd
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/attachTo           phantom
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/setResolution      51 51 51
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/setType            DoseAveraged
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/doParallelCalculation true
>>> /gate/actor/MyActor/setRestricted false
>>> Thanks!
>>> Best,
>>> Cassandra

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