[Gate-users] Phase Space

Nicollas Goncalves Cavedini nicollas.cavedini at acad.pucrs.br
Wed Jul 28 01:44:49 CEST 2021

Dear all,
I would like to know if it is possible to define the coordinates of the
phase space as source in the simulation. These are the command lines in my

/gate/source/addSource                        VarianIX phaseSpace
/gate/source/VarianIX/addPhaseSpaceFile IAEAphsp_SD20x20.IAEAheader
/gate/source/VarianIX/addPhaseSpaceFile IAEAphsp_SD20x20.IAEAphsp

Best regards,

*Nícollas Gonçalves Cavedini*
Bachelor of Medical Physics (PUCRS)
Master's Student in Electrical Engineering - PPGEE (PUCRS)
Medical Image Computing Laboratory (MEDICOM)
Contact: +55 (51) 99922-9957
Porto Alegre, Brazil.
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