[Gate-users] Multi layer PET system

jbaran jbaran at ifj.edu.pl
Mon Jan 18 00:50:00 CET 2021

Dear GATE Users,

I would like to simulate the cylindrical PET scanner with three layers 
of the detectors. I would like to attach all three layers to the 
sensitive crystal to store Singles but choose only two of them to 
generate the Coincidences. First option which I checked was to split the 
whole scanner to two separate scanners, play around with the 
/gate/digitizer/Singles/systemFilter/selectSystem command and geometry 
repeaters. However, due to the size of layers (which stick to each 
other) it is hard to find the proper geometrical solution (I didn't 
found so far).

Additionally, due to the restrictions of the PET reconstruction software 
I cannot split each layer to the separate scanner. I am wondering if 
anyone could suggest any solution or if there is anything like 
systemFilter but for the level/component.

Best regards,

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