[Gate-users] Header file (.h33) problem for voxelized source & phantom

Martin Hjellström martin.hjellstrom at gu.se
Fri Feb 19 08:39:35 CET 2021

Dear Gate-users,

I'm stuggeling a bit with my header files (.h33, see below) for a voxilized phantom and belonging voxel sources that I'm trying to put into my simulation. The phantom comes in 6 sizes with specific voxilized sources for each size. The problem that I'm struggeling with is the header file - I'm quite new to GATE so I don't really know how to structure and write it in the best way. The header files that were once written to the voxel phantom is quite old and didn't really work, so I have tried to re-write them a bit.

The thing is that I have got the header file to work for the two smallest phantom sizes (called "P1" and "P2"), but it doesn't work for the bigger phantoms - even though the structure of the header file is the same. I get "segmentation violation" for the bigger phantoms. I can get the bigger phantoms to work if I put an ";" after "unsigned integer" - but I don't know why (and it's only the phantoms that work then, not their voxel sources).

So I would be very glad if someone knows what the problem is - or if anyone has any tips on where I can read up on how to structure and write theese header files! Beacause it would be nice to learn how to write these files so I can understand them better and modify them in the right way.

Thank you very much for your time!
Kind regards,
Martin Hjellström

imagedata byte order := BIGENDIAN
!total number of images := 198
!number of images/energy window := 198
!matrix size [1] := 45
!matrix size [2] := 27
!number format := unsigned integer
!number of bytes per pixel := 2
scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1] := 6.1
scaling factor (mm/pixel) [2] := 6.1
!number of slices := 198
slice thickness (pixels) := 6.1
!data offset in bytes := 0
!name of data file := /Users/MartinH/PHANTOM/P2.i33

Martin Hjellström, PhD. Student
Department of Radiation Physics, Institute of Clinical Sciences
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
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