[Gate-users] S-values simulation

Maria Inês Ribeiro mid.ribeiro at campus.fct.unl.pt
Tue Feb 9 15:38:41 CET 2021

Hi everyone,

I am attempting to compute a dose point kernel in soft tissue for a point
source of Y90. I am using the fastY90 with an activity of 1 MBq.
I then ran 40.000 slices of 1 second and stored the dose.

My question is how do I convert my dose map (Gy) into the s values
(mGy/(MBq.s)) for each voxel?

Here is my could in case it could help to support my question:


/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase                    data/GateMaterials.db

#WORLD ======================================
/gate/world/setMaterial                               Air
/gate/world/geometry/setXLength                       50 mm
/gate/world/geometry/setYLength                       50 mm
/gate/world/geometry/setZLength                       50 mm

#LIVER ======================================
/gate/world/daughters/name                            liverPhantom
/gate/world/daughters/insert                          box
/gate/liverPhantom/setMaterial                        Liver
/gate/liverPhantom/geometry/setXLength                24.31 mm
/gate/liverPhantom/geometry/setYLength                24.31 mm
/gate/liverPhantom/geometry/setZLength                24.31 mm


/gate/physics/addPhysicsList                          emstandard_opt3


#DOSE ACTOR ==============================
#builds 3D images of:
#   - the energy deposited (edep in MeV)
#   - dose deposited (Gy)
#   - the number of hits in a  volume

/gate/actor/addActor                                  DoseActor  VSV
/gate/actor/VSV/attachTo                          liverPhantom
/gate/actor/VSV/stepHitType                           random
/gate/actor/VSV/setSize                               24.31 24.31 24.31 mm
/gate/actor/VSV/setPosition                           0 0 0 cm
/gate/actor/VSV/setResolution                         11 11 11
/gate/actor/VSV/enableEdep                            true
/gate/actor/VSV/enableUncertaintyEdep                 true
/gate/actor/VSV/enableSquaredEdep                     true
/gate/actor/VSV/enableDose                            true
/gate/actor/VSV/enableUncertaintyDose                 true
/gate/actor/VSV/enableSquaredDose                     true
/gate/actor/VSV/enableNumberOfHits                    true
/gate/actor/VSV/save                                  output/VSV.mhd

#SIMULATION STATISTIC =====================
#this actos counts the number of steps, tracks, events, runs in the

/gate/actor/addActor                               SimulationStatisticActor
/gate/actor/stat/save                              output/stat-VSV.txt
/gate/actor/stat/saveEveryNSeconds                 60



/gate/random/setEngineName MersenneTwister
/gate/random/setEngineSeed auto


# fastY90
/gate/source/addSource                                 y90 fastY90
/gate/source/y90/setActivity                           1.  MBq


/gate/application/setTimeSlice                         1. s
/gate/application/setTimeStart                         0. s
/gate/application/setTimeStop                          1000000. s


Thanks a lot for your attention,

Maria Inês
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