[Gate-users] Excessive counts in voxelized phantom source with ProdAndStop Actor

Rukiah katoshka_7880 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 5 03:07:10 CET 2021

Dear GATE users,
I have questions regarding simulating voxelized phantom and source. I simulated voxelized phantom using CT image and voxelized source using PET image as input with the implementation of Production and Stopping actor. This actor produces 2 images which are the location of particles emitted and the location where it stops, respectively.
My concern is the count in the resulting images(Prod.img and Stop.Img)  is not the same and higher (~50%) compared to PET input image. Is there any reasonable argument where the excess count come from? I expected that the count from the simulation is similar to the PET image input. And I am using GATE 7.2.
Thank you very much.
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