[Gate-users] Installation issues when using Windows OS - assistance welcome

Ian Hufton Ian.Hufton at liverpoolft.nhs.uk
Mon Dec 13 11:20:07 CET 2021

Dear GATE users

I am having some difficulties getting GATE up and running on a stand-alone laptop and wondered if anyone could assist.

We have recently invested in a fast laptop primarily for running GATE simulations.  Specifications are;

*         Processor:                           i7, 2.3GHz, 8 cores

*         System type:                     64-bit

*         RAM:                                     64GB

*         Dual boot:                           Windows 10 Pro, or Ubuntu

*         Operating system Disc: SSD 500GB per OS

*         Storage Disc:                      SSD 1TB

I am a bit rusty at Unix (about 20 years ago ...) so I've been advised to work in Windows initially but am having difficulty in getting GATE to install successfully in the Windows environment.  I can find versions of GATE for Linux and versions of GATE for MAC but struggling to find any for Windows specifically.

I seem to be able to open GATEv9.1 in MS Visual Studio (v17.0.2), but I am not convinced that it knows where to find/access GEANT4, ROOT and any other necessary accompanying software.  Probably just paths for resources that need establishing but I do not know which files to edit or update.  Or maybe I should try an earlier version of GATE? Does anyone have any suggestions or what might resolve the problems?

Also, as a reserve option just to get started I've considered vGATE running in VirtualBox, but I am having problems getting v9.1 of vGATE to function once the inside the virtual machine.  Again possibly an earlier version of vGATE might be a solution?

Any suggestions are much appreciated for either GATE or vGATE running within the Windows 10 operating system.


Ian Hufton
Principal Physicist in Nuclear Medicine
Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Tel: 0151 706 4430
email: ian.hufton at liverpoolft.nhs.uk<mailto:ian.hufton at liverpoolft.nhs.uk>

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