[Gate-users] GateMaterials.db issues

Thu Aug 26 17:11:35 CEST 2021

Hi everyone

I've spent the day scratching my head over something that I think is likely a pretty simple fix. I've come back to vGate 9.0 after around a year away, so I was refreshing myself with some old macros I wrote and I get an issue regarding setting the materials database, using both my own previously working macro plus trying an inbuilt ex1.mac file as well. Both files generate the following message:

***G4 Exception              :               GateMDBFile
                Issued by             :               GateMDBFile::GateMDBFile
Could not find material database file 'data/GateMaterials.db'
***Fatal Exception *** Core Dump ***
[G4-cerr] **** Track information is not available at this moment
[G4-cerr] **** Step information is not available at this moment

A quick look through the mailing list suggests that it's possible that the macros should direct to /data/... rather than data/ but changing that didn't help. Additional suggests previously included unspecified material in the macro that isn't in the database, but ex1.mac only utilises water and my own macro only uses air and water. I've checked that they are both in the database, and both are correctly spelled (it is the default database as well). The macropath has been changed to /home/gate/gate-exercises/exercises which is the location of both the data and mac folders.

Any ideas?

Thank you

Mark Baker
Principal Clinical Physicist
Imaging Physics
The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

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Email: mark.baker23 at nhs.net<mailto:mark.baker23 at nhs.net>

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