[Gate-users] Is Cherenkov Radiation broken on recent Gate Install?

Dominique Yvon dominique.yvon at cea.fr
Fri Aug 20 17:47:19 CEST 2021

Good evening,
	To test the generation of Cherenkov photons on Gate, I ran on my macOSX computer a test code, where I commented the scintillation process, I kept the Cherenkov process, and I shoot 511 keV in a PbWO4 crystal.

	I attach you the output file, for such a macro, executed 
		- on my computer running Gate-Dev under Geant4-V10.7.p1 and 
		- on an unix computer running Gate_V9.0. under Geant4-V10.6

In both cases you will notice that even during a photoelectric conversion in the crystal, (511keV deposited) no optical photon is generated, so no Cherenkov photon. We would expect on average 20 Cherenkov optical photons

If on the other hand, when I restore the scintillation process, (TestScinGateDevMacOS.txt) a large number of optical photons are produced.

I conclude that the Cherenkov process is broken in both installs.
What do you think?

	Best regards

Dr. Dominique Yvon, HDR
CEA Saclay - IRFU/DPHP, Bat 141, PC21, F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
BioMaps, SHFJ, 4 place du général Leclerc, 91401 Orsay France
Tél: 01 6908 3625
Email: dominique.yvon at cea.fr
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