[Gate-users] job splitting takes too much time

Martin Sower melkatib1 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 00:23:46 CEST 2020

THank you Ashok for your time and for sharing the script,

Effectively, I'm getting the same output as you when typing 'gjs' alone, so
I think the gjs installation was successful,

I mention here that I'm running this job splitting command on my PC (6
cores intel i7 CPU) and not a (real) cluster, and that my .mac file is
separated to many .mac files (geometry, output, source, etc) and all linked
in the main.mac that I'm referring to in the command,

I will try to regroup all .mac files in one and retype the command.


Le ven. 23 oct. 2020 à 22:03, Ashok Tiwari <tiwarias at yahoo.com> a écrit :

> Hi Martin,
> I am wondering whether your gjs is working fine. What do you see when you
> run gjs command? Do you see the following usage message:
>   +-------------------------------------------+
>   | gjs -- The GATE cluster job macro spliter |
>   +-------------------------------------------+
>   Usage: gjs [-options] your_file.mac
>   Options (in any order):
>   -a value alias             : use any alias
>   -numberofsplits, -n   n    : the number of job splits; default=1
>   -clusterplatform, -c  name : the cluster platform, name is one of the
> following:
>                                openmosix - condor - openPBS - SGE - xgrid
>                                This executable is compiled with SGE as
> default
>   -openPBSscript, -os script : template for an openPBS script
>                                see the example that comes with the source
> code (script/openPBS.script)
>                                overrules the environment variable below
>   -SGEscript, -ss script     : template for an SGE script
>                                see the example that comes with the source
> code (script/SGE.script)
>                                overrules the environment variable below
>   -condorscript, -cs script  : template for a condor submit file
>                                see the example that comes with the source
> code (script/condor.script)
>   -v                         : verbosity 0 1 2 3 - 1 default
> .............................etc?
> I think if you see this message then it should run in principle, if not
> then there might be something wrong with the installation or job
> submission! I am not familiar with the HT condor cluster, so I cannot give
> you the specific information but in the SGE cluster, I normally submit the
> job using the following script: (this is the copy-paste of the script)
> #!/bin/bash
> #
> # Queue to submit job
> #$ -q CCOM,UI
> # batch job stderr and stdout
> # Job name
> # Use current working directory
> #$ -cwd
> # print date and time
> date
> # I want SGE cluster to send me an email
> # when the job begins and when it ends
> #$ -M ashok-tiwari at uiowa.edu
> #$ -m be
> # -l h_vmem=20G
> # Set simulation time
> # -l h_rt=24:00:00
> #$ -pe smp 8
> ## -l mf=20G
> # executable
> To use the jobsplitter functionality I submit the job using the following
> command in the command line:
> $ gjs -numberofsplits 10 -clusterplatform SGE  ../somedir/script/main.mac
> After I hit enter in the command line, it will generate the main.submit
> file in the same directory within ~seconds. Also at the same time, 10 split
> macros will be created in the GC_DOT_GATE directory. Then you are supposed
> to run the main.submit executable file using: ./main.submit to perform a
> simulation.
> Hope this is a little bit helpful.
> Best,
> Ashok
> On Friday, 23 October 2020, 02:46:04 pm GMT-4, Martin Sower <
> melkatib1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Ashok for your response,
> effectively, I had a .split file with one of the expected .mac files
> (mysim1.mac but no mysim2.mac !) in the DOT_GATE directory but no .submit
> file in the current directory (where gjs is launched),
> I will appreciate if you could share with me your scripts so that I can
> compare with mines,
> thank you for your help.
> Martin
> Le ven. 23 oct. 2020 à 19:17, Ashok Tiwari <tiwarias at yahoo.com> a écrit :
> Hi Martin,
> I don't have experience with the HT condor platform but after running the
> gjs command you should have a .split file in the current directory where
> you ran the gjs command and split macros in your .GC_DOT_GATE directory
> based on your installation. It should not take such a long time, I think it
> is a matter of ~secs (based on my experience). I don't have an idea about
> why it is taking too much time, but I suggest you to check the condor
> script based on available scripts in GATE. I am happy to send you my SGE
> cluster setting files if you want to compare the scripts to find out the
> culprit.
> Thanks,
> Ashok Tiwari
> On Friday, 23 October 2020, 06:41:19 am GMT-4, Martin Sower <
> melkatib1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed the gjs (job splitter) and gjm (job merger) as in the Gate
> User's guide and installed a Personal HTcondor as in
> https://htcondor.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cloud-computing/using-annex-first-time.html#install-a-personal-htcondor
> with the tests passed successfully, and now I'm trying to split my
> simulation to 2 jobs, with the command   gjs  -numberofsplits 2
> -clusterplatform condor -condorscript
> /home/..../Gate-8.2/cluster_tools/jobsplitter/script/condor.script
> mysim.mac, I'm getting the .split and mysim1.mac in the .GATE directory but
> nothing else, and the problem is that this command take too much long (1h
> before I force them to stop), so my question is: is it normal that this gjs
> command take such a long time? and what can be the origin of this problem?
> thank you in advance for your help.
> Martin
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