[Gate-users] Cha

hassan ouhadda ouhaddahassan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 19:47:28 CET 2020

hi Gaters;
please when I simulate the spectre of CT-Scan, in the output I don't have
the characteristic peaks of materiel target.
I use this Actor for spectre:

/gate/actor/addActor EnergySpectrumActor spc
/gate/actor/spc/attachTo waterCylinder
/gate/actor/spc/save sp1000.root
/gate/actor/spc/energySpectrum/setEmin 0.01 MeV
/gate/actor/spc/energySpectrum/setEmax 0.14 MeV
/gate/actor/spc/energySpectrum/setNumberOfBins 400
/gate/actor/spc/energyLossHisto/setEmin 0.01 MeV
/gate/actor/spc/energyLossHisto/setEmax 0.14 MeV
/gate/actor/spc/energyLossHisto/setNumberOfBins 400

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