[Gate-users] Running GATE on GPU

Albert Grace Lieu albertnew2018 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 23:39:24 CET 2020

Dear Gate users,

In the user manual
it says "* Examples are provided within the GATE source package and users
can find a complete example about How To define and run a complete PET
simulation set-up by using a GPU architecture*.", does anyone know where
the example is? (I did not find it)

I try to run GATE simulation on GPU but could not find enough information
about how to do so. The only pieces of information about running GATE on
GPU that I can find are [1
<http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/sites/default/files/Talk6.pdf>, 2
and the user manual
None of them seem to give me an entire picture of running GATE PET
simulation on GATE. I am using GATE V8.2 with GATE_USE_GPU enabled along
with the Nvidia toolkit 10.1.

I deeply appreciate any suggestions and help.

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