[Gate-users] Generic Repeater Problem

Maxime Toussaint Maxime.Toussaint at USherbrooke.ca
Sun May 31 04:53:07 CEST 2020


I have never used the patch you are talking about, so I can't provide any insight on that part. In the future, you might want to add a reference to the patch, or context of that patch, in the off chance that their exist multiple patches.

Also, we have no idea of your configuration/context/etc and (sadly) most won't have the time to look at it if you provided it. For that reason, precise question in which you have already an idea of where the problem come from (e.g code/.mac) would increase the chance of receiving a bright suggestion!

Example of information that would help us to help you:

  *   Type of source used?
  *   Is the slice length relevant? Scan time?
  *   Are the singles also the same between a 1MBq and a 1Bq acquisition?
  *   What is "same" coincidences? Exactly the same? If yes, did you use the same random seed?
  *   Why do you call that noise? Are they invalid coincidence?

Have a nice day,
Maxime Toussaint

De : Gate-users <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org> de la part de Xinjie Cao <xinjie.cao at stonybrook.edu>
Envoyé : 30 mai 2020 11:35
À : gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
Objet : [Gate-users] Generic Repeater Problem

Dear all,

I am testing a non-traditional geometry PET scanner using a generic repeater on GATE V8.2. I have installed a generic repeater patch for coincidence sorting on my GATE. While the problem is that GATE gonna run around 20mins in 1s slice no matter what level activity source I used, i.e. 1MBq or 1Bq, and acquiring the same coincidences. Really have no idea about where this noise is coming from. Anyone met this before?

Any answer will be highly appreciated! Thank you!

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