[Gate-users] External Entity

Xinjie Cao xinjie.cao at stonybrook.edu
Mon May 18 22:23:59 CEST 2020

Dear all,

Did anyone ever meet the following warning :
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "./Materials.xml"
It is easy to remove this warning when running a simulation on a single job
with a single workstation by copying a *Materials.xml *from the GATE source
folder to the working folder where your main macro is.
However, it looks like the cluster running work cannot access it
automatically in the same folder when it comes to cluster running. And this
entity is also not like the Material database that we can designate a path
to access in the macro. I am using GATE cluster running with a personal
HTCondor platform on a single workstation.
Any advice or answer would be highly appreciated!

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