[Gate-users] Comment line on UserSpectrum
Hiroshi Watabe
watabe at cyric.tohoku.ac.jp
Wed May 6 14:23:50 CEST 2020
Dear GATE developers,
Thank you for developing the wonderful software.
Today I've struggled to solve a problem to run GATE (I'm currently
running GATE9 but I believe it happens in the previous versions).
I defined a source with user-defined energy spectrum as follows;
/gate/source/spectrumLine/gps/energytype UserSpectrum
/gate/source/spectrumLine/gps/setSpectrumFile DiscreteSpectrum.txt
In DiscreteSpectrum.txt, if I put # (comment out) at the beginning of
the energy-spectrum definition, Gate cannot
correctly read the energy spectrum and become all 0.
For example
1 0
#0.4 0.02
0.5 0.01
0.6 0.02
0.8 0.03
does not work.
I'm not sure this is correct modification but to avoid this error,
I modified physics/src/GateSPSEneDistribution.cc
as follows;
*** 177,183 ****
inputFile.seekg(cursorPosition, inputFile.beg); // return to the
2nd line in the file
while(nline < mDimSpectrum) {
- skipComment(inputFile);
inputFile >> energyRead;
inputFile >> probaRead;
--- 177,182 ----
Best regards,
p.s. Lydia and David, thank you for organizing GATE
course in Sendai this Feb. I hope COVID-19 does not effect your work
for GATE.
Hiroshi Watabe, PhD
hwatabe at tohoku.ac.jp
Division of Radiation Protection & Safety Control,
Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center,
Tohoku University
6-3 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai 980-8578 Japan
Tel:+81-22-795-7803 Fax:+81-22-795-7809
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