[Gate-users] Problem in photon source simulation

Matthew Strugari matthew.strugari at dal.ca
Sun Mar 22 15:33:17 CET 2020

Hi Elena,

If you’re not using visualization, you should include “/vis/disable” in your macro.


On Mar 22, 2020, at 9:04 AM, Elena Vlastou <sarell88 at yahoo.gr> wrote:

CAUTION: The Sender of this email is not from within Dalhousie.
Dear Gate users,

I hope this worldwide crisis finds all of you and your families in good spirit and health!

I would like to ask your help about a weird issue that occurred in a simple photon source simulation. Running the following macro, I had indeed the expected output recorded (dose, energy, uncertainty etc) and all primaries seem tο have run.
However, the message while the simulation is ending depicts a crash that I cannot explain:

End of macro test.mac/ Graphics systems deleted./ Visualization Manager deleting...*** Break *** segmentation violation
followed by a stack trace of all threads...

Any ideas about it?

Thank you in advance.


/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase data/GateMaterials.db

/gate/world/setMaterial                     Air
/gate/world/geometry/setXLength     1 m
/gate/world/geometry/setYLength     1 m
/gate/world/geometry/setZLength     1 m

# WATERbox
/gate/world/daughters/name               waterbox
/gate/world/daughters/insert             box
/gate/waterbox/setMaterial               Water
/gate/waterbox/placement/setTranslation  0 0 0 mm
/gate/waterbox/geometry/setXLength       10 cm
/gate/waterbox/geometry/setYLength       10 cm
/gate/waterbox/geometry/setZLength       10 cm

/gate/physics/addPhysicsList emstandard_opt3

/gate/actor/addActor                SimulationStatisticActor stat
/gate/actor/stat/save               teststat.txt
/gate/actor/stat/saveEveryNSeconds  300

/gate/actor/addActor                                DoseActor  Db
/gate/actor/Db/attachTo            waterbox
/gate/actor/Db/stepHitType            random
/gate/actor/Db/setPosition            0 0 0 mm
/gate/actor/Db/setSize                10 10 10 mm
/gate/actor/Db/setVoxelSize      10 10 5 mm
/gate/actor/Db/saveEveryNSeconds      300
/gate/actor/Db/enableEdep                     true
/gate/actor/Db/enableUncertaintyEdep  true
/gate/actor/Db/enableDose                     true
/gate/actor/Db/enableNumberOfHits     false
/gate/actor/Db/save                   testD.txt


/gate/source/addSource                                  PS gps

/gate/source/PS/gps/energytype  Mono
/gate/source/PS/gps/monoenergy  100 keV
/gate/source/PS/gps/particle          gamma
/gate/source/PS/gps/type          Plane
/gate/source/PS/gps/shape          Square
/gate/source/PS/gps/pos/centre  0 0 -15 cm
/gate/source/PS/gps/pos/halfx 1 cm
/gate/source/PS/gps/pos/halfy 1 cm

/gate/source/PS/gps/angtype          iso
/gate/source/PS/gps/mintheta  0 deg
/gate/source/PS/gps/maxtheta  0 deg
/gate/source/PS/gps/minphi          0 deg
/gate/source/PS/gps/maxphi          0 deg

/gate/random/setEngineName MersenneTwister
/gate/random/setEngineSeed auto
/gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries 5000

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