[Gate-users] Dose actor

Dimitrios Thanasas dthanas at uoa.gr
Mon Feb 10 13:56:54 CET 2020

Hi Mohamed,

One way to calculate profile using dose actor is the following:

> /gate/actor/addActor                          DoseActor  doseprofile
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/save                  output/electron-profile.txt
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/attachTo                waterbox
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/stepHitType           random
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/setPosition           0 0 18.5 cm (be sure that
+18.5 is on the side of the source. You may need to put -18.5 cm)
> #/gate/actor/doseprofile/setResolution         100 1 1 (do not use
setResolution. I put this command in comment.)
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/setSize               40 1 1 cm (this is a line
along x axis)
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/setVoxelSize           0.4 1 1 cm (0.4x1x1 cm
each voxel, along the line in order to have 100 voxels)
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/saveEveryNSeconds     60
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableEdep            true
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableUncertaintyEdep true
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableDose            false
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableUncertaintyDose false
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableNumberOfHits    false

I think this will help you.

Dimitris Thanasas

> Hi Mohammed,
> Please keep the conversation on the mailing list.
> The next few days I'll be very busy and won't have time to answer myself.
> Maybe someone else can have a look at your macro and tell if it's fine for
> your purpose.
> Good luck!
> /David
> ________________________________
> Von: Mohammed REZZOUG <nmedrezz at gmail.com>
> Gesendet: Montag, 10. Februar 2020 10:39:25
> An: David Boersma
> Betreff: Re: [Gate-users] Dose actor
> Hi david
> thank you for your reply
> i want to validate a phase space source ( condition DSP= 100 cm waterbox
> 40*40*40 cm)
> in this order, I use this cod macro.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /gate/world/setMaterial            Air
> /gate/world/geometry/setXLength    3.0 m
> /gate/world/geometry/setYLength    3.0 m
> /gate/world/geometry/setZLength    3.0 m
> /gate/world/vis/setVisible 1
> /gate/world/daughters/name              waterbox
> /gate/world/daughters/insert            box
> /gate/waterbox/setMaterial              Water
> /gate/waterbox/placement/setTranslation 0 0 -200 mm
> /gate/waterbox/geometry/setXLength      400 mm
> /gate/waterbox/geometry/setYLength      400 mm
> /gate/waterbox/geometry/setZLength      400 mm
> /gate/waterbox/vis/setColor             blue
> # It should be the same geometry than PhS generation Here we add a
> # "gantry" rotation. To do that easily, we define two box, on for the
> # rotation (according to the isocenter=world origin), then one another
> # to translation the phase-space plane to the right distance
> /gate/world/daughters/name                     linacGantry
> /gate/world/daughters/insert                   box
> /gate/linacGantry/setMaterial                  Air
> /gate/linacGantry/geometry/setXLength          1.0 mm
> /gate/linacGantry/geometry/setYLength          1.0 mm
> /gate/linacGantry/geometry/setZLength          1.0 mm
> /gate/linacGantry/placement/setRotationAxis    0 1 0
> /gate/linacGantry/placement/setRotationAngle   0 deg
> /gate/linacGantry/vis/setVisible               1
> /gate/linacGantry/daughters/name         linac
> /gate/linacGantry/daughters/insert       box
> /gate/linac/setMaterial                  Air
> /gate/linac/geometry/setXLength          1.0 mm
> /gate/linac/geometry/setYLength          1.0 mm
> /gate/linac/geometry/setZLength          1.0 mm
> /gate/linac/placement/setTranslation     0 0 1000 mm
> /gate/linac/vis/setVisible               1
> # /gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase data/PreciseMaterials.db
> # /control/execute mac/linac_head.mac
> /gate/linac/placement/setTranslation 0 0 1000 mm
> /gate/linac/daughters/name               PhS_Plane
> /gate/linac/daughters/insert             cylinder
> /gate/PhS_Plane/setMaterial              Vacuum
> /gate/PhS_Plane/geometry/setRmin         0 mm
> /gate/PhS_Plane/geometry/setRmax         70 mm
> /gate/PhS_Plane/geometry/setHeight       1 nm
> /gate/PhS_Plane/placement/setTranslation 0.0 0.0 -297 mm
> /gate/PhS_Plane/vis/setColor             white
> /gate/PhS_Plane/vis/setVisible           1
> # =====================================================
> # =====================================================
> /gate/physics/addPhysicsList emstandard_opt1
> /gate/physics/Gamma/SetCutInRegion      world 1 mm
> /gate/physics/Electron/SetCutInRegion   world 1 mm
> /gate/physics/Positron/SetCutInRegion   world 1 mm
> /gate/physics/Gamma/SetCutInRegion      waterbox 0.5 mm
> /gate/physics/Electron/SetCutInRegion   waterbox 0.5 mm
> /gate/physics/Positron/SetCutInRegion   waterbox 0.5 mm
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have to calculate the profile dose at equal depth 1.5 cm
> /gate/actor/addActor                          DoseActor  doseprofile
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/save                  output/electron-profile.txt
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/attachTo                waterbox
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/stepHitType           random
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/setPosition           0 0 18.5 cm
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/setResolution         100 1 1
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/setSize               40 40 40 cm
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/saveEveryNSeconds     60
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableEdep            true
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableUncertaintyEdep true
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableDose            false
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableUncertaintyDose false
> /gate/actor/doseprofile/enableNumberOfHits    false
> --
> This method is valid or not?(I have to calculate the profile dose at equal
> depth 1.5 cm)
> --
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /gate/run/initialize
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> # Read from Phase Space files. Here we indicate the type of particle
> # (e-) because this information is not stored in the PhS to gain
> # space. Moreover, we set 'useRandomSymmetry' to generate more
> # particle than the number of particle in the PhS, using a Z axis
> # symmetry.
> /gate/source/addSource                         beam_g phaseSpace
> /gate/source/beam_g/addPhaseSpaceFile          output/output-PhS-g.root
> /gate/source/beam_g/setParticleType            e-
> /gate/source/beam_g/attachTo                   PhS_Plane
> /gate/source/beam_g/useRandomSymmetry          true
> #=====================================================
> #=====================================================
> /gate/random/setEngineName MersenneTwister
> /gate/random/setEngineSeed auto
> /gate/application/noGlobalOutput
> #/tracking/verbose 2
> /gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries 5000
> /gate/application/start
> Thank  you for any help
> Mohammed.
> Le lun. 10 févr. 2020 à 03:30, David Boersma
> <david.boersma at acmit.at<mailto:david.boersma at acmit.at>> a écrit :
> Hi Mohammed,
> Your question is a bit short and unspecific, we need more information in
> order to have a chance to give you a useful answer. Can you describe what
> you have tried so far to configure the dose actor in your simulation, and
> what are the problems you encountered? Which Gate release are you using?
> The documentation of the dose actor is here:
> https://opengate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tools_to_interact_with_the_simulation_actors.html#dose-measurement-doseactor
> Examples for how to use the dose actor can be found in the GateContrib
> project, for instance here:
> https://github.com/OpenGATE/GateContrib/tree/master/dosimetry/dosimetry/electron_radiotherapy
> Hope that helps,
> David
> ________________________________
> Von: Gate-users
> <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org<mailto:gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>>
> im Auftrag von Mohammed REZZOUG
> <nmedrezz at gmail.com<mailto:nmedrezz at gmail.com>>
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 9. Februar 2020 19:53:53
> An:
> gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org<mailto:gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
> Betreff: [Gate-users] Dose actor
> I want to simulate the electron accelerator on Gate in order to calculate
> the pdd and the dose profile in a water tank, I want to know how to use
> the "Dose actor"
> Thanks for any help
> Cordially.
> Mohammed
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