[Gate-users] Merge "db-*.root" files produced in vpgTLE

Matthew Strugari matthew.strugari at dal.ca
Tue Dec 15 13:08:54 CET 2020

Hi Parishan,

Have you tried the hadd command? You can read more about here: https://opengate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_output_management.html?highlight=Hadd#how-to-merge-root-files.


On Dec 15, 2020, at 5:12 AM, Mohammad Reza Parishan <parishanmohammadreza at yahoo.com> wrote:

CAUTION: The Sender of this email is not from within Dalhousie.
Dear Gate Users,

I want to merge "db-*.root" files produced with run of "runall-elements.sh" in  "~/GateContrib-master/imaging/vpgtle/stage0" directory. The 25 produced "db-*.root" files are in "output" directory. I run "$python pgdb.merge.py 25 output", but ".root" files are not find. Screenshot of terminal is attached.

Thank you for your help!



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