[Gate-users] Post-doc positions in Grenoble and Lyon (France)

Rachel DELORME rachel.delorme at lpsc.in2p3.fr
Thu Dec 10 16:18:56 CET 2020

Dear all,

Please find attached a position offer for 2 Post-docs, to be recruited from april 2021 at LPSC (Grenoble, 24 months) and at IP2I (Lyon, 30 months) in France.
The subject concerns multiscale Monte Carlo simulations and biophysical modeling, adapted to targeted radiotherapies involving low-energy ions.

Best regards,


Rachel Delorme
LPSC - Groupe Physique Nucléaire et Applications Médicales 
Bureau 127
53 Avenue des Martyrs
38026 Grenoble, cedex
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 28 40 59
rachel.delorme at lpsc.in2p3.fr
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