[Gate-users] Can't find benchmark tests

Barnes, Raven rbarnes at psicorp.com
Mon Dec 7 17:32:50 CET 2020

Hello there!
I am an undergraduate intern with Physical Sciences Inc in Andover, MA. I am currently working with vGATE v9.0 through virtualbox. I downloaded from your website but can't seem to find the benchmarks folder. Even when I click on the gate home folder, there is no subsequent folder labelled "prog" as the documentation says. I believe I have been able to open vGATE but when I type in: ./gate_run_test.sh benchRT gamma, like the instructions say, it says command </gate_run_test.sh benchRT gamma> not found.
 I am not sure if I am missing the files because I don't seem to have the programs folder that is mentioned in the html documentation or if I am typing something in wrong/searching in the wrong place.
Thank you!
Raven Barnes

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