Mohamed Mohamed melkatib1 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 01:12:26 CEST 2020

Hello David,

I would to hank you warmly for your interresting and clear response, that
was very helpful and largely sufficient for me,

Do you mind if i ask you to know about the potential gain from executing
the same .mac on many cores of my processor (if i double the RAM, then i
run the .mac on 2 or 3 cores? ), also will i need other tools to do that?

Finally, how GATE can be multithreaded on GPU and not on CPU? whats the

Thank you again,

Le ven. 10 avr. 2020 à 14:34, David Boersma <david.boersma at acmit.at> a
écrit :

> Hi Mohamed,
> We (OpenGate collaboration) would love to see Gate multithreaded, but we
> have discussed various approaches to do this and all of them require a lot
> of work (a lot of Gate code is not "thread safe"), so much work that with
> the available manpower it will probably take very long (years?) to complete
> this transition (changing all the code and then validating all of it...),
> so we haven't dared to start this project yet.
> The discussions you have read here in the mailing list recently (and also
> longer ago, actually) are about starting a Gate process many times with the
> same mac file on the same machine, basically once for every physical core
> on the machine. Once they are all finished you combine the results. That's
> a bit resource-wasteful (all processes use RAM and CPU time to construct
> their own copy of the same geometry and the physics tables; with
> multithreading you would do this only once, and then all cores can
> propagate particles in parallel, all using the same one geometry and one
> set of physics tables). But it works, if you install enough RAM.
> Is this sufficient clarification? 😊
> HTH,
> David Boersma
> ------------------------------
> *Von:* Gate-users <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org> im
> Auftrag von Mohamed Mohamed <melkatib1 at gmail.com>
> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 10. April 2020 12:20:35
> *An:* gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
> Hi all,
> I am GATE 8.2 used, when i was trying to install GATE with multithreading
> (after doing same thing for Geant4 installation) i had an errormessage
> indicating that multithreading is not supported, after tha message i
> deactivate multithreadin option and completing installation, BUT recently i
> am hearing some users talkin about capability to run simulation on all
> their threads (real nodes+threads), I WILL APPRECIATE ANY CLARIFICATION
> kind regards,
> Mohamed
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