[Gate-users] Physic List SPECT system

Marta Coelho martinhaonline109 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 00:56:34 CEST 2020

Hi GATE users,

I installed the VGATE 8.2 platform. and I have doubts about the physical
part of the script to simulate the SPECTHead system.
The manual says "Up to now, physic lists were set in GATE according to
macro files containing list of command to add physical processes. From GATE
Version 7.0, we highly recommend to switch to the" physic list builder
"mechanism. The physic-list builders are provided by the Geant4 community.
To use a builder, use the “addPhyslicsList”.
My question is: What is the best physics lists for simulating a SPECT

Thank you for your attention and I look forward to an answer.
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