[Gate-users] ERROR

Mohammed REZZOUG nmedrezz at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 20:16:10 CEST 2020

 Dear Gate users

I’m getting the following error:
med at med-SATELLITE-C855-2CE:~$ sudo condor_master
[sudo] Mot de passe de med :
med at med-SATELLITE-C855-2CE:~$ export GC_DOT_GATE_DIR=/home/med/linac2/main
med at med-SATELLITE-C855-2CE:~$ export
med at med-SATELLITE-C855-2CE:~$
/usr/local/GATE/Gate-9.0/cluster_tools/jobsplitter/gjs  -numberofsplits 50
-clusterplatform condor -condorscript
/usr/local/GATE/Gate-9.0/cluster_tools/jobsplitter/gjs:* error while
loading shared libraries: libG4global.so: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory*

Thank you very much for your reading and any suggestion.
Sincere wishes,

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