[Gate-users] ERROR: Failed to connect to local queue manager

Mohammed REZZOUG nmedrezz at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 16:28:37 CEST 2020

Dear Gate users,

I want to use HTcondor to speed up my simulation, but I received this error:


med at med-SATELLITE-C855-2CE:~$ export GC_DOT_GATE_DIR=/home/med/linac/main
med at med-SATELLITE-C855-2CE:~$ export
med at med-SATELLITE-C855-2CE:~$
/usr/local/GATE/Gate-9.0/cluster_tools/jobsplitter/gjs  -numberofsplits 50
-clusterplatform condor -condorscript
Summary of all outputs:
  ROOT       output is disabled
  ASCII      output is disabled
  ARF        output is disabled
  PROJECTION output is disabled
  ECAT7      output is disabled
  SINOGRAM   output is disabled
  SINOACCEL  output is disabled
  LMF        output is disabled
  CT         output is disabled
  GPUSPECT   output is disabled
Summary of all actors:
  Actor 'depthdose' of type DoseActor is enabled
  Actor 'doseprofile' of type DoseActor is enabled
  Actor 'doseprofile1' of type DoseActor is enabled
  Actor 'doseprofile05' of type DoseActor is enabled
  Actor 'doseDistribution' of type DoseActor is enabled
  Actor 'stat' of type SimulationStatisticActor is enabled
Number of enabled output: 0
Number of enabled actors: 6
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% med at med-SATELLITE-C855-2CE:~$
condor_submit /home/med/linac/main/main.submit
Submitting job(s)

*ERROR: Failed to connect to local queue managerCEDAR:6001:Failed to
connect to

Thank you very much for your reading and any suggestion.
Sincere wishes,

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