[Gate-users] doseByRegions

maxime maxime.chauvin at inserm.fr
Sun Apr 12 16:39:06 CEST 2020

Dear Mohamad,

everything is explained in the documentation:
https://opengate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tools_to_interact_with_the_simulation_actors.html#dose-by-regions <https://opengate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tools_to_interact_with_the_simulation_actors.html#dose-by-regions>

The DoseByRegions actor will sum the edep and absorbed dose per region fo your geometry. 
Of course edep (MeV) and absorbed dose (Gy) will increase as you increase the number of primaries.

The regions correspond to every pixel values in the input file you give to the DoseByRegions actor. 
For example if you give as input a voxel phantom with 140 segmented organs (140 different integers values) the DoseByRegions.txt output will contain 140 rows with the edep and absorbed dose in those organs.

Best regards,
  Maxime Chauvin

> On 12 Apr 2020, at 11:03, Eng. M Pharaon <pharaon_m at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Gate Users;
> could any one explain to me how  dose the doseByRegions actor work, and what is the relation between numbers of primaries and edep results because the edep change a lot when we change the number of primaries, when we use voxel phantoms,
> thanks alot,
>                      Mohamad Pharaon
>                            Nuclear Engineer
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