[Gate-users] Using GATE for X-ray systems

Mohammad Bilal CHAWKI momodestains at yahoo.fr
Sun Apr 5 17:07:20 CEST 2020

Hello everyone,
First of all, thanks a lot for your participation in this mailing-list. A lot of subjects are really interesting.
For curiosity purpose, I'm wondering... Is it possible to simulate X-ray systems with GATE and integrate him (with VRT) as projector in the processus of iterative reconstruction? The system used in GATE to simulate matter's interactions by using a voxelized phantom with a list of materials (inherited from Geant4 from what I understand) can't be done otherwise? I would like to attach one material per voxel, but if we're using millions of voxels, I imagine that it is impossible (or very difficult, maybe with some kind of optimization?). Is there a simple solution?
Best regards,
M. B. Chawki.

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