[Gate-users] max number of particles problem

Emilie Gaudin Emilie.Odette.Gaudin at USherbrooke.ca
Tue Sep 17 16:30:12 CEST 2019

Hi Dimitri,

To bypass the 2GB file size the command line is:

/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSizeLimit 0

The zero at the end of the line implies an unlimited file size (validated with GATE v7.0/7.2/8.0/8.1). This restriction is true for ascii/binary output.

If you don't need the ascii, you can use the root output. It provides all the information needed with a significantly lower file size than asciis.


De : Gate-users <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org> de la part de gate-users-request at lists.opengatecollaboration.org <gate-users-request at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
Envoyé : 13 septembre 2019 08:56
À : gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
Objet : Gate-users Digest, Vol 160, Issue 13

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Today's Topics:

   1. max number of particles problem (Dimitrios Thanasas)
   2. Change orientation of cone volume (Christopher Watanabe)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 14:49:09 +0300
From: "Dimitrios Thanasas" <dthanas at uoa.gr>
To: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
Subject: [Gate-users] max number of particles problem
        <0688552fc89d96ae9de4a83d7fc9a96d.squirrel at webmail01.uoa.gr>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

Hi everyone,

I noticed that the simulation doesn't proceed when I use more than 2E+9
particles. Does anyone know how I can use more than 2 billion particles?
I found the command "/gate/output/ascii(binary)/setOutFileSizeLimit" at
the User's Guide but it doesn't work.
Moreover I don't want ascii files as I use dose actors for dose
calculations and I want many particles to reduce the dose uncertainty.

Thanks in advance,
Dimitris Thanasas


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 15:10:38 +0200
From: Christopher Watanabe <chris.r.watanabe at gmail.com>
To: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
Subject: [Gate-users] Change orientation of cone volume
        <CAKsu_TbQWJkc-Mu05088LH8K=OTTjJZE0oOyAKwEOgT_VUVt2Q at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a pinhole collimater. So far, I have everything set up
well, but the orientation is wrong with the preexisting orientation of the
camera. (i.e. the primary axis of the pinhole should be the normal of the
pixel grid)

The code I have now is:

## Volume at the front of the spect device for the collimator

/gate/front/daughters/name collimator
/gate/front/daughters/insert box
/gate/collimator/geometry/setXLength            44. mm
/gate/collimator/geometry/setYLength            11.14 mm
/gate/collimator/geometry/setZLength            44. mm
/gate/collimator/placement/setTranslation       0. -0.2 0. mm
/gate/collimator/setMaterial                    Air

# Square of tungsten with correct thickness at the wider base (crystal
/gate/collimator/daughters/name              base
/gate/collimator/daughters/insert            box
/gate/base/geometry/setXLength     44. mm
/gate/base/geometry/setYLength       1 mm
/gate/base/geometry/setZLength     44. mm
/gate/base/placement/setTranslation 0. -0.2 0. mm
/gate/base/setMaterial Tungsten

# Cone of tungsten for collimation
/gate/collimator/daughters/name        Tcone
/gate/collimator/daughters/insert      cone
/gate/Tcone/geometry/setRmin1   0 mm
/gate/Tcone/geometry/setRmax1   3 mm
/gate/Tcone/geometry/setRmin2   0 mm
/gate/Tcone/geometry/setRmax2   25 mm
/gate/Tcone/geometry/setHeight   11.14 mm
/gate/Tcone/placement/setTranslation       0. -0.2 0. mm
/gate/Tcone/setMaterial       Tungsten

# Cone of Air within the cone of tungsten
/gate/Tcone/daughters/name        hole2
/gate/Tcone/daughters/insert     cone
/gate/hole2/geometry/setRmin1   0 mm
/gate/hole2/geometry/setRmax1   2 mm
/gate/hole2/geometry/setRmin2   0 mm
/gate/hole2/geometry/setRmax2   24 mm
/gate/hole2/geometry/setHeight 11.14 mm
/gate/hole2/placement/setTranslation       0. -0.2 0. mm

So, basically, the hollow tungsten cone should be within the air volume
allocate for the collimator. The primary axis of the cone is along the z
direction though, so I get the following visualization:

[image: image.png]
As you can see, the solid red cone (pinhole) is oriented along the z-axis,
whereas the rest of the SPECT device is oriented along the y axis...

Things I've tried:
/gate/Tcone/placement/alignToY - This command just centers it along the y
axis. Doesn't change the primary axis.
/gate/Tcone/placement/setRotationAxis +
/gate/Tcone/placement/setRotationAngle - Also doesn't yield any helpful

I'd appreciate any help!


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