[Gate-users] max number of particles problem

Gary Smith gsmith23 at ph.ed.ac.uk
Mon Sep 16 10:06:17 CEST 2019

Hi Dimitrios, 
I believe the limit is caused by the use of INT variable type in Geant4 for the number of particles.  
You can just run a similar second simulation but ensure to set a different random seed. 
Best wishes, 
Gary Quoting Dimitrios Thanasas <dthanas at uoa.gr> on Fri, 13 Sep 2019 14:49:09 +0300:

> Hi everyone,
> I noticed that the simulation doesn't proceed when I use more than 2E+9
> particles. Does anyone know how I can use more than 2 billion particles?
> I found the command "/gate/output/ascii(binary)/setOutFileSizeLimit" at
> the User's Guide but it doesn't work.
> Moreover I don't want ascii files as I use dose actors for dose
> calculations and I want many particles to reduce the dose uncertainty.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dimitris Thanasas
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